Monthly Archives: November 2023

Main library and cafeteria at the CEU Fernando III University Campus, Bormujos, Seville

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New project for the reconversion of the Ex-Manifactura de Gemona del Fruili into a Hub for sports companies

The project for the restructuring and regeneration of the Ex-Manifactura building in Gemona del Fruili (Udine, Italy) for its conversion into a Sports Business Creation Centre under the name “Sportland Life Factory” is being drawn up. The building was built after the earthquake of 1976 according to the design of architect Emilio Mattioni, a member of the “Studio di Via Mazzini” architectural office in Udine and one of the leading exponents, together with Renzo Agosto and Gianugo Polesello, of the “Architecture Group” that made the Venice School internationally famous in the 1970s and 1980s. The Vázquez Consuegra architectural studio, together with architect Sandro Pittini, Pool Engineering s.r.l., T14 Associati and geologist Davide Serravalli, will carry out the conversion of Mattioni’s building, after winning the tender promoted by the Gemona City Council in 2022.

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The Business Creation Centre at the University of Alicante has been inaugurated. Phase One

Last October saw the inauguration of the first phase of the Business Creation Centre of the University of Alicante, a work carried out by Vázquez Consuegra. The building revolves around the presence of office-laboratory modules for science and technology-based companies, versatile and flexible spaces equipped with as many facilities as required depending on their nature, with the possibility of being increased or replaced in the future. It is a U-shaped building, with a main body at its head, which houses the common areas of the centre, such as the lobby, the cafeteria/restaurant and the service areas corresponding to the company laboratories. The Alicante Science Park has created a virtual tour of the entire building, in which you can explore each space, floor by floor, through the following link: Access to the CEE virtual tour

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Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra receives the Lifetime Achievement Award at the V Biennale di Architettura di Pisa 2023

The V Biennale di Architettura di Pisa, held between 13 and 29 October, has awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to architect Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra. An award dedicated to those who, during their profession and through their work, have been attentive to the search for the construction of urban meanings always inspired in people’s quality of life. The jury has emphasised the architect’s ability to combine in his works major themes such as social balance and the understanding of the city as a place for meeting and relationship, all of it carried out with a high degree of aesthetic sensitivity. Attachments Laudatio Luca Lanini_Per Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra (268 kB)

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