Monthly Archives: June 2023

New refurbishment in MELFI

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra will restore the former Convent of the Poor Clares in the Italian town of Melfi for its conversion into the Museo MIA, Museo delle Innovazionni e delle Arti. The monastery of San Bartolomeo was built around the 16th century and entrusted to the Nuns of the Order of Santa Chiara until the Municipal Council of Melfi, in 1863, ordered the closure of the monastery and the transfer of the building to the military authorities. From the convent of the Poor Clares, it became a prison until the end of the 1980s. Now, the GVC studio will be in charge of its refurbishment to turn it into a new cultural space in the city. The former convent, and future MIA Museum, is part of the “38 Cantieri della Cultura”, a detailed and exclusive selection made by the Italian Ministry of Culture as part of the strategic plan “Grandi Progetti Beni Culturali”, relating to restoration and intervention projects in monumental and cultural buildings. This selection includes such emblematic buildings as the Basilica of San Marco in Venice, the Colosseum, the Vittoriano, the MAXXI Museum and the Palazzo Poli e Calcografia in Rome, the Royal Palace in Naples, the Egyptian Museum in Turin and the Basilica of St. Andrew in Mantua, among others. For more information, please click on the following link.

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