Monthly Archives: September 2018

“Spanish Architectures: Chronicle from Europe” European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award. Exhibition Hall La Arquería Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid.

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Conferencia de Vázquez Consuegra en OC-Open City International Summer School

OC-Open City Internatinal Summer School es un workshop internacional de arquitectura y urbanismo organizado por el Politecnico di Milano en Piacenza.  

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“Genevè en projets”. Pabellón Sicli, Geneve. Switzerland

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Two projects by Vázquez Consuegra included in the exhibition “Spanish Architectures: Chronicle from Europe”

The exhibition presents all the projects nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award realized by Spanish architecture studios as well as projects built by studios from the rest of Europe, in Spanish territory. Exhibition Hall  La Arquería, Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid.

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